


I can trust you

I can see your heart
     Filled with light

It’s a comfort
     To look out
          And see the beauty of it

So let me share my story

     Long ago,
          An angel came to speak to me
               Of energies beyond this realm

I listened with an open heart
     And tried to comprehend
          All that was being shared

You can understand the depth of information
     You’ve seen it yourself

And although I was young
     I was able to grasp the whole of what was said
          And held it as my truth
               While those around me knew nothing of this glory

One day an angel came to me
     And told me I was needed
          Told me I would need to come
               To serve the Lord

Can you imagine my surprise?

To hear that there was a purpose for me
     In the eyes of the Lord?

I waited

I waited to hear more
     So that I might contemplate all that was being asked

I listened word for word
     Head bowed
          Listening intently

Baby blue sweater

          “Why do you need me?”
               I wondered

For what was being asked seemed
     So simple
          I hardly felt the need for such
               Pomp and circumstance

An angels’ breath
     Used to share such a small request

          Weren’t angels used only
               For the deepest and most Holy?

You see, what this angel asked of me
     Was simply
          To bear witness to the story
               Of one small boy

“Come listen to this story.”
     The angel said

“You’re needed by the Lord.”

     And so
          I went

The boy was tiny
     Even for his young age
          Younger than me at least
               But tiny – a Little Person

He lived three doors down

He played on the grass,
     On the other side of the fence
          So happy there
               By himself     


I wondered what the Lord wanted me to see
     And so I asked the boy,

“What’s your name?”

     And I waited for him to turn his head

I waited for him to hear me

     I waited for him to hear me but he kept on playing
          As though I wasn’t there

And then I knew
     Because he winked at me
          From out the side of his eye
     That what I was meant to see
          Was simply – him

               Sitting there

That he was there
               As plain as day
                    On the grass beyond the fence

And that it didn’t matter that others couldn’t see him

     That others couldn’t hear him
          Like I could

It didn’t matter that others couldn’t see that he existed

I could see

And that was all that mattered

I could see him
     And that made him just as true
          As anything else about that day

He was there
     And he was happy
          And that was all

Thank you Lord

     Because that was enough


     I believed in him
          And that was all that was needed

(Presence in the palms of my hands

     Energy speaking through my words)

Thank you for the gift of sight

Green sheet of light

               Like a river flowing forward


© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings

6 thoughts on “An Angel Came To Speak To Me Of Energies Beyond This Realm”

    1. What an amazing journey, to be sure! To witness this awakening and then later, to understand that it could be me, this spirit is talking about! Or you! Anyone open to the Divine who allows that love in, and trusts the truth of it. <3

      1. I have experienced this awakening and I’m in process of understanding all of it I’ve been going through it for over a year with gift of sight…can yiu help me with the last couple of lines written about the green sheet and river flowing forward…it sounds similar to what I’m going through and I’d love to get what I’m being told of by spirit cause idk what it’s asking me if anything…sorry for so many questions…uf you have any words of wisdom I’d love to hear and thanks for all your help hugs

        1. Hi Nancy!

          I love the conversation so no need to worry about asking too many questions.

          Spirit speaks to me in many ways one of which is through Clairaudience (clear hearing), and like you, Clairvoyance (clear seeing – even though it’s not clear at all sometimes, lol) and Clairsentience (Knowing), and many more ways as well but lets stick to these three for this conversation.

          As I opened up to spirit I took time to observe all the ways that I felt spirit was trying to communicate with me. I love to write – so made a point of having my journal close by, during meditation, so that I could write these experiences down in whatever way they came. I have done this for many years and am still learning new ideas all the time. The process is simply as fast as it needs to be.

          In the beginning, I would see and hear things and have no idea what they meant. Images like this green sheet of light, like a river flowing forward. Numbers in odd sequences that would repeat themselves over and over until I acknowledge them and wrote them down. All I ‘knew’ at this point was that there was likely a deeper meaning in these concepts that I was not yet aware of. I wanted to record them with an open heart and an invitation to Spirit to teach me at some point in the future. I was eager to know, and wanted to acknowledge seeing these things, so I wrote them in my journal.

          Over time I have begun to understand that for me, the colour green is related to the heart Chakra. It is very important to understand, however, that green for you may represent sometime different entirely. Green may remind you of your Grandmother, therefore, when you see green, your ‘psychic dictionary’ may be giving you a hint that you are getting a symbol that the person you are communicating with is of that age. Does that make sense? Green for me may be something entirely different than for you and both are equally valid. It is simply the way spirit is connecting to our consciousness to help us understand a situation at our own level.

          In other words, my friend, I can tell you what green means for me, but this does not in any way have to be the same thing for you. At the same time, you are curious what it means for me, and I am happy to share. 🙂

          Green for me, represents ‘love’. The green light seems to be energy and the movement of it a flowing of energy in one direction or another. I have two places at either side of my heart where I often see green ‘chords’ upon which green light energy flows. Have you heard about ‘chords’? If not, let me know as I have a book I highly recommend on this subject. In this particular story I recorded seeing a green sheet of light moving forward like a river. This is simply another way green can be shared with me. It could equally be a field of green grass for instance, in a vision I am having. But let me take a moment to describe the vision in this story of the Angel.

          Can you imagine a thin, green, sheer scarf? Imagine you are holding that scarf out in front of you on a warm and windy day. The scarf is so light in weight that the gentle breeze flowing by, catches the scarf and moves it gently up and down so that it is flowing in gentle waves. Now imagine that you are not holding the scarf, but that it is held out in front of you by an invisible force and flowing gently, like a river of light. If you understand that for me the colour green represents love and you see this love flowing forward in gentle waves, you might interpret this imagery as something like this: Spirit is offering this story through me to all with a gentle flowing love and light.

          I happen to be one who can see the light, the energy, the love. I see love, in this imagery. This is the way I experience all my interactions with Spirit. A sea of love and light.

          I hope this is helpful!?

          Feel free to put this idea into your dictionary but listen to your truth and if it doesn’t fit, then you must simply open your heart and ask spirit to help you be clear of what a green sheet might mean for you.

          Awesome question. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts!

          With love ~

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