Answer the damn phone!
What is it
That makes it impossible to find peace here?
In heaven
One would expect quiet contemplation as a key factor!
Why then,
Is my place of rest so unrelentingly disturbed?
Hold up a firecracker
Let the fuse burn down
And throw it in the air to explode
With sparks in all directions
Will this scare away the ghosts?
Will this quiet the endless chatter?
Can we use this means
To scatter these souls
In all directions?
Let me have peace!
Let me have my quiet time
Give me….
The angels come
Beautiful pairs of
Beings of Light
Open your arms
Invite me in
Release me from this place of crowded darkness
Let me melt
In your arms of glory
Angels of Light
Messengers of God’s love
I hold out my arms to you
And relinquish
All earthly ties
Glorious Light
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