

Before you read this story it is important to me to share that I am not ‘friends’, Facebook or otherwise, with the Marcos family. The only time Andrew’s mother Toni and I are in communication, really, is at Andrew’s beckoning, most recently during the Wednesday evening animal communication events (since May, 2016) with Andrew’s goal of supporting his mother’s belief in afterlife communications. Toni and I connect behind the scenes each week but today, with Toni’s joyful permission, I would like to share the miraculous goings on from the August 31, 2016 event. Please understand that I did not know any of the background information that lead up to what happened on this day between Andrew and his family.


Popop’s High school riffle shirt had gone missing. His loving son Drew had spent a good deal of time searching for it to no avail which was so unfortunate as it would have meant so much to Drew to have made a loving gesture of placing this shirt with his beloved father for his journey beyond this world. Unfortunately, Popop’s celebration of life was now complete. His remains now buried – the opportunity had come and gone.

Or had it. . . ?

There was one person who knew where the shirt was – Drew’s son Andrew: Popop’s grandson. Andrew and his father had worked together to renovate Popop’s basement four years earlier and Andrew recalled where the shirt was hanging. He also knew his father’s heart and how much it meant to his father to place that shirt with Popop and he would have told him…. He would have told his father where to look except he was having a little trouble getting his voice to be heard . . . because Andrew is also living in spirit, having passed away unexpectedly 18 months ago.

Andrew may have had an intention to get this message to his father before Popop was buried initially, we will never know. If recent history were an indicator we could certainly suggest that  Andrew was in the habit of encouraging his parents through me on Wednesday evenings with messages to them both, however, I had gone on holiday during the time that Popop passed away leaving Andrew without me as a channel to point Drew in the direction of the shirt. Toni and family were also very busy with arrangements during this time so a few weeks had gone by where Andrew was unable to contact his family.

During this period where Andrew was unable to contact his family through me something very unusual happened at the funeral home with regards to Popop. – a terrible error – Popop was buried with all of his jewelry. Quite clearly this had to be rectified. As distressing as this prospect was to the family, in an odd way you can see that this unusual situation lead to an unexpected opening for Drew to resume the search for the lost shirt. With Popop due to be exhumed within a few days and the Wednesday night animal event back in full swing Andrew also had the opportunity he needed to let his dad know where to find it….

Enter Catherine ~

Ten minutes before the animal communication event was to begin Andrew explodes into my vision space. His glorious light shining, the beautiful joyful energy that is Andrew appeared bringing with him a sense of urgency in sharing a message with his mother, so much so that I felt it necessary to open up to listen to what he had to say without first getting my journal to write it down, which is unheard of for me.

I waited for Toni to appear that evening but she wasn’t able to come (now we know why). But not knowing this at the time I wondered if she might be on line having lost track of time so I sent her a note.

“Let me know if you are around, Toni Marcos.” But Toni was unable to come.

At the close of the event I chose to post Andrew’s message to Toni despite the fact she had not written in to the event. I thought she would think I was crazy, but have learned when it comes to sharing what comes in Mediumship – all that truly matters is that I trust things will make sense beyond my knowing. I wrote,

“…even though you haven’t found me tonight, I have you in my vision space. Andrew was here even before I started and he seems to have said, “Mom. Ask dad to look behind the door in the basement….” I would be most curious if this made sense to you. With so much love.”

This is the best part. Wait for it! Andrew’s father, Drew, having looked for his father’s shirt without success in the previous weeks, suddenly got an inkling of where to look, right about the time Andrew was whispering his message through me to his father. On Wednesday evening, Drew got into his car, drove to his father’s house, went downstairs, where he hadn’t been for four years, and opened the closet behind the basement door. There he found Popop’s shirt exactly where Andrew told me he would find it.

Toni received my message two days later and asked her husband if Andrew’s message to him made any sense. Then she wrote to me,

“…. Andrew’s Popop passed away and Andrew’s dad was looking for a special shirt of Andrew’s Popop, and he found it (Wednesday evening) in the basement behind the door in the closet. Wow wow wow. My boy is amazing. Thank you so much for this message.”

Andrew’s Popop has since been buried with his special shirt and Andrew’s father has a renewed sense that the messages that Andrew has been sharing over the past year, have a truth beyond his knowing.

It is with deep and  humble gratitude that I thank Spirit for allowing me to support and bear witness to this families continued opening to the realm of possibilities that there is life beyond that which we can see here on earth.




© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings






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