

Spirit offered a message of encouragement recently, which touched me deeply and personally. I hope you find the message as eye opening as I did.

With love,
Catherine ~


Exhaustion can become a tangible part of our journey of inner healing. We have so much to learn, it seems, the constant inner struggle can be one to overwhelm. Reflecting on our personal situation can lead us to a state of being completely fed up, from time to time.

“One more moment with me and I will go completely insane!”

We might even launch into a state of wrath and turn on ourselves with vicious criticism and venomous rejection.

“Come ON, already! Get it together!”

This loving message is offered as a mirror to the way in which we sometimes speak to ourselves, during our lowest moments. Know ahead of time, (so as not to be shocked as I was) Spirit is asking us to play with the idea that this is you, speaking to you, in this channeling.

Come with me, and find compassion in your heart, for the one who needs you most during times of distress. Who other than you, yourself?


I close my eyes and open my heart to the highest good of all. The loving energy I recognize as Spirit appears and words begin to flow, beginning always with a phrase of acknowledgement for our connection, one to the other.

I can count on you
     To listen
          When I come to call

Let me be the one to share

Spirit asks me to keep in mind, that without comprehending the lesson before learning it, I must trust what I know of Spirit to my core, or miss the love inherent in the message. I didn’t understand this at the time, which allowed for the lesson to be fully felt – much to my great appreciation after the fact. Spirit cautions, I may find myself listening from a place in my journey that is no longer where I am today with these words.

Although you think you know
     The intention of my heart
          All manner of changes have occurred
               Since we last spoke
          Such that,
               The you, you thought you knew
                    Has changed substantially

As words continue to flow I find myself deeply taken aback (having missed Spirits’ caution). Sickened by the words moving through, I fight the urge to disengage. Is this a dark spirit, spitting harsh words to some poor suffering soul? I vow in the moment to never share these words for fear of crushing someone to their core. Surrounding myself with love and light, I distance myself purposefully from the spiteful energy speaking through me and continue to channel from a place of safety.

What happens next takes me by surprise. As the words continue to flow, I recognize I can relate quite profoundly to what I hear with fear that others may have thought these very words of me. I cringe as I continue to write, imagining how devastating it would be to have someone speak to me in this way.

The voice in spirits says:

I am no longer willing to listen
     To the whining and complaining of your heart

     There is no place for me in it
          I refuse to take part!

Do you understand
     How exhausting you’ve become?

One minute happy
     The next,
          No amount of love and support
               Could touch the depth of your grief

I’m no longer willing
     To be the one you call on

There ain’t no way baby!

Take this energy elsewhere!

     Let your own healing begin
          Without my presence

I’m no longer willing to be there for you

Let go of your constant badgering

     Be gone with you
          That part of you that bleeds me dry

It’s up to you now,
     To find your own path to healing

Although utterly confused, knowing in my heart this is not Spirit speaking to me directly, I cannot help but ask anyway. With furrowed brow I wonder, “Is Spirit forsaking me?”

“Are you speaking to me?” I ask.

Spirit immediately reassures me,

Be one with the idea
     That we will never part

     That we are one
          On all levels

Now the lesson is imparted.

Be kind to yourself
     And you are kind to me

          Be kind to yourself
               And know

     This is you
          Speaking to you

Nothing more

Nothing less

Gather all of who you are
     Into one room

     Then celebrate you
          In all your many facets

     Be love

          And you will know what love is


Do you see how the ‘dark energy’ was really a reflection of myself? There was no evil spirit trying to speak through me in this instance. The negative energy I encountered was my own darkness manifest into an external state dancing before me in hopes I might recognize my own punitive state of being, and do something about it.

Isn’t it an shocker to recognize that while we may not imagine  we would ever speak so harshly to someone we know and love, all along, we can be one who speaks this way ––to ourselves!

With loving gratitude, I thank Spirit for reminding us that the words we choose when speaking to Self is deeply felt. We can abandon ourselves when in the greatest need without being aware of it on a conscious level. Through this channeling, Spirit invites us to raise our awareness of our internal dialogue in order to reconsider our approach, if we recognize ourself in this story. Words of loving kindness toward self, will indeed serve to support and encourage our soul self, to a far greater depth than we may be aware.

Be your own best friend!

Here’s to your courageous spirit as you move forward with love on your earth journey! Know you are never alone, even if you choose to separate yourself from yourself at times, in order to gather the strength necessary to move forward with fortitude.

© Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings


9 thoughts on “Love Yourself”

  1. A very deep and significant perspective Catherine. Thanks for the insight. We all do it to ourselves from time to time and it is heartening to read your words. Thank you.

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