
Until we understand the truth that we are all One, there will be moments when the opposite feels true. How is it that we feel so alone when love is all around us? I’d like to say, there are opportunities to disprove your aloneness theories, but you have to look for them…

In the same way one might reach out in search of light, why not reach out to disprove the idea that you are on your own? Look around you and allow in the truth, there is a fly in the room, there is a bird on the wing in the air above you. Love comes in many forms. Don’t discount it simply because it is not in human form.

What of the shape of that leaf? The wind in the trees, the raindrops on your forehead when you look to the sky for a break in the clouds. If you think of these elements as love, would you not be surrounded? Your aloneness is a myth, though sometimes we lose ourselves there. Shake it off if you can. Trust there is more here than meets your eye. Make a choice to expand your view. Then, and only then, will you take note and understand. You are so very loved.

~ Spirit

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