
Surprise Visitor

Recently, a spirit stepped forward out of the blue for a past client… The spirits hairstyle, health condition and quirky sense of humour all fit with a friend of hers who had passed. This friend in spirit spent several days nudging me before I reached out to my client. I am SO glad I could trust I knew who the message from Spirit was for.

Turns out there were TWO spirits present wishing to say hello. The second was someone who identified herself by saying she was the third child in the family and third girl in the family – my clients sister! The sister explained she had a running joke (within herself?) that she had always felt she really ought to be first in the family, not third!! She jokingly shared that she felt rather pleased with herself being the FIRST into Heaven, and what a peaceful place it is to find herself, after all is said and done.

What a gift it was to speak to my client and have her fill in the gaps for me with this communication. Her response was one of joy, with a request that I share a message back to these two important women in her life! Should they ever spend time together in heaven they should ‘behave themselves with great decorum!’

Your angels, friends and family in spirit do their best to encourage, inspire and bless you with knowing – You are loved beyond all imagining!! You don’t need a Medium to tune into the signs. Although, I have to say – I do feel so blessed to be a conduit for a spirits’ voice, even when a visit is unexpected!

Feeling blessed to share this message of love.

Hoping you feel the love,

With love,
Catherine ~




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