
Be kind to yourself as you step forward into your day. We here in Spirit are rooting for you. We can only share what you are willing to accept and in this way, our deepest desire is that you might lift up your eyes and believe – we are here for you.  Continuous prayer is not really necessary. Just let us hear you open your heart to let love in, as an occasional joyful thought. Find a way to incorporate acceptance of this idea, and we will fill in the rest.

Consider this: Beacons of light don’t shine on us in extended ways, they arrive in intermittent fashion.  Understand that though a particular instance may seem as though you are steeped in darkness, the light is shining still. This love, this light, concentrates on the whole. Where needed, the love intended for you may work its way around the environment you share, looking for ways to illuminate the entirety. Look up, loved one. Look up and imagine it to be so, and you will see, what you hope for is what we hope for you. Together, we are a force of wonder. Invite us in, and let us be light with you, about you and endlessly for you.

Amen to your sacred journey.

~ Spirit

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