A Love-note from your angels
Is there a way we, your angels, could be recognized as beloved aunts? We would love you to hold us that dearly. Wisdom through love has a powerful connection. Hear us out, if you will!
We want you to take heart and consider the way we live. It isn’t like it is on Earth where individuals place themselves in individual skins. Our existence has no skin. Moving about as light, as particles of light, gives freedom beyond anything you can comprehend. Expand into the idea of it.
Today, we ask you: Is there a reason you think the way you do? Is there a purpose for all the separation you insist on in your world? How odd it must feel to cut yourself off in such a way.
We, as your family, have no desire for that. Our existence shares all from beginning to end and on into eternity. From the beginning, we expand outward into the mist, into the forest, into the trees, each more beautiful than the last. But we are not one and then another. We are all at once.
Let this be your truth. Let yourself expand beyond the borders you create to make sense as an individual Being, and let your Being be as big as all eternity!
Once you integrate your world and all that is in it into the ‘you’ as you are named, then, and only then, will you understand the meaning of love.
The illusion you create of ‘others’ to serve you on your journey is no more than a reflection of who you are yourself. We are all that is. What is it about this news that distresses you?
I hear your thoughts of those in history who bring fear to the souls of others.
“How can we be that?” you ask! It’s not as bad as all that.
What do we do in the face of shadow? This might be the question to ask. For if such others create fear and hatred in you, then this is the reflection that you live. And if such entities develop feelings of compassion and love in you for others, then this, too, is a reflection of who you are.
I hear a deep and abiding love for you from the Universe. Accept the whole of it, as who else could it be for but you? You are that great love! Open your heart, and let the walls between us fall away. We are one, you and I. This is the way of it. Any distance you conceive is in your mind alone. We are your aunts, but we are also you.
Can you imagine what it must be like for us without walls? Take a moment and place yourself everywhere at once. There is love there to be cherished. Let your heart bleed into the whole and replace your fear with love, and you begin to understand the possibilities inherent in the experience. You are not a part of the journey; you are the journey.
Let that be your truth.
~ The Guardian Angels
Does this angel message feel powerful to you? During these times of worldwide strife, can you let go of negative feelings you may hold toward those you perceive as wilfully harming others? Is love the answer in your mind and heart?
In the spiritual world, intention is held in the highest regard. This message asks us to pay attention to our personal and community objectives. The angels encourage prayers, actions, and intentions based in love, not hate. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Amen to this sacred journey,
Catherine ~
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