
A Love Note from Spirit

Until we understand the truth
That courage is inherent in who we are,
Doubt may seep in

Have you ever heard a friend or colleague say,

“I need to find the courage to…”?

Hang on…

You are courage!

No one gets a free pass

No one walks through life unscathed
In one capacity or another

If you are here
You are the living, breathing truth
Courage is alive in every cell of your body!

Look no further than your own dear self
And admit the truth

Courage is your middle name

Say it loud!

Say it proud!

Step in and own your courage!

Be one with it,
Because honey…

Courage is one with you!

I am here to remind you
That no matter what you may have told yourself
That defies the courage within

It ain’t goin’ no where
At no time
To Infinity

Tap in and use the courage
Inherent in who you are
To tell the world,

“I AM the lion(ess)
And I am here to stay!”

Amen to your bold, beautiful self

~ Spirit

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