
A Love Note from Spirit ~ On Complex Relationships

Understanding complicated relationships is something many people choose not to take on simply because it can be taxing beyond all imagination. We here in spirit comprehend the complexities from a multitude of angles. It is impossible for us to advise specifically what might be the best course of action. You appreciate, and we even more so, that Free Will and personal understanding gained on an individual’s journey is private. It would be unethical for us to reveal another soul’s perspective without their express permission.

How you choose to proceed in comprehending another’s perspective is honoured with a mountain of love from this side of the affair. In general, all effort you undertake that embodies love, respect and acceptance of differences will be received by those you consider complex with much greater ease than a negative approach might do. Be kind to yourself in the process. Know your own boundaries and listen to those you don’t quite understand, with love in your heart.

Will there be those you cannot figure out no matter how hard you try? Yes, indeed there will. Step away with love so that peace has a place to engage on all levels. What is right for you will not be right for all. Be humble in this knowing. It’s an easier path by far.

Amen to weaving compassion into your encounters every step of the way,

~ Spirit

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