
How the spirit of my brother teases me from the afterlife!

A Western Conifer Seed Bug crawls across a white linen tablecloth.

My beloved brother Jamie passed away in 2022. The loss is profound, and yet, he’s still near me. He finds ways to let me know he’s close by. Here’s one for you, which makes me laugh every time!

Jamie’s work as a forester had him move to many locations in B.C. over his lifetime. The story begins today during his time living in Barrier, B.C., a small mill town in south-central British Columbia.

I was visiting Jamie at his home in Barrier, B.C., one summer. It was hot, so we sat outside, sipping a cool drink on his deck. The longer we sat, the more I noticed these bugs flying around. They landed on the deck, the table, the railing and the windows, creeping around like spies ready to report back to home base. It started to feel quite creepy!

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not a woos about bugs. Growing up in the forest as we did as kids, I spent more time with creepy crawlies than I care to state. It wasn’t the bugs that bothered me — but the numbers I could do without!

At one point, one landed quite close to me. I immediately reached out to brush it away when my brother said,


“I wouldn’t touch one if I were you. They call them stink bugs, and their smell is quite strong. You’ll regret it as soon as you touch one. You won’t get their smell off your hand for some time. Just leave it. It’s harmless otherwise.”

My brother, the lover of bugs. The truth that they stink made them even creepier to me!

Known as ‘stink bugs,’ the Western Conifer Seed Bug is one I believe I had never seen before this introduction by my brother. That says something, as we lived with the forest as our backyard.

As children, we were forever playing with bugs. Not having seen this kind before surprised me. The fact that they make a buzzing, clicking sound as they fly did not endear them to me. I shuddered just thinking about them.

Fast forward ten years, and my beloved brother has moved on ahead. The six months since his passing had been a challenge, both missing him and preparing for his celebration of life. I talked to him daily and asked him to bring me a sign, but being lost in grief, nothing made much sense.

One day, I noticed something crawling on the glass inside my living room window. Looking closely, what do I see? You guessed it — one single stinkbug! How weird is this? I don’t ever remember seeing them in Victoria. I immediately called my husband, Chris, and asked him to put it outside, which he did.

Later that evening, I noticed the bug was back! I call Chris! He puts it outside only to turn around and discover it has found its way back again. Not just one day, but day after day! This blessed bug keeps coming back! What is going on?

Several days passed before the penny dropped, not by me but by my husband. Chris bursts out laughing (while escorting the pesky friend outdoors.) “It’s Jamie!” he said. “Jamie is the stink bug!”

Now I am laughing, too!

Of course, my brother shows up as a bug! Just like Jamie to ‘bug’ me consistently until I pay attention and listen to his guidance.

I can hear him laughing at this hilarious joke. There is no denying that the stink bug is the spirit animal he has chosen to appear to me as. What a cornball!

As is my practice, when I notice a particular critter turning up in my life with persistence, I look up its spirit medicine to see if it resonates with the connection I have made.

Stink bug medicine references an energy that intends to work hard to protect you and guide you in the right direction. Stink bug arrives to encourage you to persist along your path — to work hard and not give up. These traits capture Jamie’s nature perfectly.

In appreciation, I thank Jamie for showing up in his ‘stinky’ fashion and give him a thumbs up for the love. I kid you not! When I miss Jamie most and ask for a sign, he appears as this bug. Even yesterday, I saw him peering in my window, then crawling around my house with a wink and a prayer.

Love you, Jamie.

How about you? Do you have a loved one in spirit who appears to you as an animal, reptile, bird or insect? Let me know in the comments, as I’d love to hear about your sacred connection.

Amen to your sacred journey!

Catherine ~

Author image of the Western Conifer Seed Bug crawling on my tablecloth yesterday afternoon!

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