

About Catherine ~


Catherine is a Spiritual Medium, Channel, Animal Spirit Messenger and Author who connects with people worldwide through social media. Catherine’s knowledge of the unseen has developed through adherence to continuous spiritual guidance from the energy she calls ‘Spirit’. She also regularly attends local and Zoom classes in Evidential Mediumship and other Spiritual Endeavours. Her practice On Spirits’ Wings has been active for over 15 years.

With a passion for writing, Catherine invites you to Immerse Yourself in the world of Spirit on her blog sites:

All pages offer beautiful words of wisdom, love, light and spiritual guidance for you, with love.

Catherine welcomes your questions or inquiries ~

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Glossary of Terms:

Alpha Trance: The ability to go into an altered state in order to access other dimensions of reality.

Animal Spirit Communication: An awareness of the presence of animal spirits as messengers of Spirit who bring healing guidance and energy to those in need.

Apport: The manifestation of physical objects from other dimensions or the spirit realm.

Astral Projection: The ability of the spirit to leave the body at will or through the dream state.

Aura Reading: The ability to perceive the energy around the periphery of a persons body seen in the form of light and colour; to sense and interpret psychic information related to this persons experiences in life, past and present.

Blending: The ability to shape-shift or merge one’s ethereal body into that of another person or living being in order to see the world as they see it, know the things that they know and understand their thoughts and intentions while being at one with that being. To be a witness of another person’s experience from within that person in the past, present or future.

Conscious and Trance Channelling: The ability to listen to and bring information from a separate spirit into full awareness. To relay spiritual guidance and messages from the spirit realm through a variety of Mediumship abilities.

Clairaudience or clear hearing: The ability to hear information not accessible to the five physical senses. To perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise from sources broadcast from the spiritual or ethereal realm, in the form of “inner ear” or mental tone, which are perceived without the aid of the physical ear and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space. These tones and vibrations are more easily perceived in an alpha state and during meditation, though many Clairaudients can obtain verbal and sound-related information regarding the past, present and future in a variety of environments.

Claircognizance or clear-knowing: The ability to simply know something to be true even without supporting knowledge, logic or reason.

Clairempathy or clear emotion: The ability to psychically tune in to the emotional experience of a person, place or animal. The experience of telepathically sensing or feeling within oneself the attitude, emotion or ailment of another person or entity. Empaths tune into the vibrations and “feel” the tones of the aura.

Clairsentience or clear sensation or feeling: The ability to sense information almost physically that is not perceivable through the five physical senses. To perceive information by a “feeling” within the whole body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information.

Clairscent or clear smelling: To smell a fragrance/odour of substance or food, which is not in one’s surroundings. These odours are perceived without the aid of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

Clairtangency: The ability to touch beyond the physical parameters of 3-D space.

Clairvoyant or clear vision: To reach into another vibrational frequency and visually perceive “within the mind’s eye” something existing in that realm. A clairvoyant is one who receives extrasensory impressions and symbols in the form of “inner sight” or mental images, which are perceived without the aid of the physical eyes and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space. These impressions are more easily perceived in an alpha state and during meditation, though many clairvoyants can obtain visual information regarding the past, present and future in a variety of environments.

Energetic Healing: Using psychic and life force energy diagnose energetic imbalances within the body and to channel healing energy with spiritual permission and guidance.

ESP – Extra Sensory Perception: Perceptions of energy and information beyond the five physical senses.

Exorcism or Extractions: The removal of inappropriate and harmful spirits and outer body beings through deliberate manipulation of psychic energy.

Ghost Busting: Diagnosing and removing negative and/or inappropriate spirit attachments to houses, buildings and people.

Intuitive perception: The ability to perceive information about people, situations and issues without the five physical senses.

Medical Intuitive: A Medical Intuitive is a psychic or intuitive counsellor who specializes in perceiving information concerning the human body. A Medical Intuitive can energetically read the insides (organs, glands, blood, etc.) of a person’s body by intuitively scanning the body for areas or imbalances that may need alignment or treatment. Often times the Medical Intuitive will be able to explain the connection of the energy to an emotion or an event causing the illness. Intuited information can then be provided to the client’s medical doctor and/or health care professional for further evaluation and discussion of possible treatments.

Meditation: The art of closing the body awareness and the personality mind down to be one with spirit.

Mediumship: The ability to connect directly with the spirits of the living and those who have moved beyond their physical experience in two-way communication.

Morphing/Psychic Morphing: The ability to move from normal to paranormal dimension and back at will.

Precognition: Knowledge or awareness of the future, obtained through extra sensory perceptions – ESP.

Psychic: A person who has ESP – the ability to see information beyond the five physical senses.

Psychic Medium: A psychic who is skilled at working in a clients’s energy field. They have an ability to pick up on and relay information through signs, symbols, and energy

Remote viewing: The ability to see places, situations or people at a distance.

Spiritual Medium: A Medium who is skilled at communicating with the dead and does so within a spiritual practice.

Telepathy: The ability to understand someone’s thought processes and physical and emotional state of being at a distance. Telepathy is a tool used in many spiritual practices such as Channelling, Mediumship, Soul-to-Soul communication with those who are living, as well as Animal Communication.

