Thank you for considering a reading with me.
In our initial communication, please give as little detail as possible.
It is tempting to begin our conversation with a detailed description of your situation. Let me guide you away from doing so. Use our initial contact as an opportunity to ask me a few questions about my process; share your name only.
You may be surprised how little I need to know. Leave room for your Angels, Guardian Spirits and loved ones in spirit to share, without telling me everything beforehand. Less is more as we begin our journey together.
All readings are currently $65.00 via Paypal or eTransfer to onspiritswings@gmail.com
Reading descriptions below.
~ Ask Spirit ~
Infused with radiant love and light, you will know yourself heard when you reach out to the angelic realm with a question from your heart.
If an angel was sitting before you, what question would you wish them to answer? Open your heart and hold space for a response filled with abiding love, support, insight and inspiration. Let’s hone your question, and together we can ‘Ask Spirit.’
Others have asked their Angels for guidance in these areas:
• Career path
• Guidance through complex Family or Friend Relationships
• Finance and business ventures
• Health concerns
• How to best care for loved ones in the physical realm
• Insight into pathways in life purpose
• Support to understand and release emotional challenges
With your permission, I can invite animal spirit guides to share their powerful wisdom.
~ Animal Spirit Guides ~
Animal spirit guides are messengers from the universe here to acknowledge, support, encourage and guide you on your present journey. This may be a lifelong companion(s) or a short-term visitor sharing love and light with you.
With permission, I will describe the animal spirits who surround and protect you. A personal channeled message from the animal, as well as a write-up of the animal spirit medicine, will be forwarded as a document.
~Animal Communication~
Animal Communication is a gateway into the mind, heart and soul of your beloved animal friends. Whether living near you or in the spirit world, it is possible to engage in communication with them. Let me know their name and breed only (no details of their situation, please). Then, allow me to open my heart to listen to their thoughts.
Animals are capable of sharing profoundly loving messages to help you understand their specific needs and desires. They will reveal evidence to identify who they are as well as share personal messages to warm your heart and lift your spirits. Let’s work together to hone a question from your heart, then hold space for a special message from your pet.
Examples of past readings can be found here: Animal Spirit Communication
~ Mediumship ~
The spirits of those we hold most dear do their level best to connect with us in a myriad of ways. During Mediumship, a spirit will provide evidence to let you know just who they were on their earth journey.
Confirmation can take the form of a picture you know hangs on their wall, images of a favourite pen, toy or identifying object, or insight into a private joke only the two of you know. They will undoubtedly have a loving message to share and be just as grateful as you are for the opportunity to be in touch.
With as little detail about your loved one as possible, contact me to find out more about the process and what you can expect.
Examples can be found here: Experiences in Mediumship
With love,
Catherine ~
Have questions or need more details before you commit?
Contact me at: onspiritswings@gmail.com
Readings are currently $65.00 via Paypal or eTransfer to onspiritswings@gmail.com .
Not sure if you are ready for a reading? See Flowchart below.
With love!
For practical and legal reasons Catherine does not profess to be a substitute for any medical, legal, financial, or psychiatric advice of any kind. If you have any serious need to consult with a professional around any of these issues, please don’t hesitate to do so. All services provided through On Spirits’ Wings are for informational and interest purposes only. It’s understood that as a term of service you agree to take full responsibility for any future choices you make based on any information from all consultations.
© Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings
On Spirits’ Wings All Rights Reserved. All text, images, graphics, and other materials on this website are subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings, unless otherwise stated. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or re-posted to other websites or media outlets without the express written permission of Catherine MacMillan Sihoe.