Can’t you see? …

In Our Summer Field A Flower Grew
I am a child of 9 And I come to you today I’m not about to tell you…

Isadora Was A Ship
Isadora was a ship She sailed the sandy beach With captain and crew …

Hydraulic Lifts And Rags In Back Pockets
Grey overalls Grey painted car chassis Cement floor Is there someone who wishes to…

Let Your Soul Song Be The Wave That Gently Moves The Mountain
Once there was a little girl Whose name was Anne She took her place… …

Little Willow
Spirit hears you when you grieve. When you reach out to the Universe for support, you are heard and offered…

There Was Once A Girl Whose Father Was A Woodsman
The young girl in this story longs to follow in her fathers footsteps as he leaves for work each day…

Joyful Ascent
I have something to say Can you hear me? Yes I can, Spirit. …

Once I had a Truck!
Take my hand Won’t you? There is a reason for my asking …

At The Gate
Once there was a child . . . Yes, Spirit? With a joyful heart, I open…

I Count The Years Of Patience You Gave Me As I Sat Inside These Walls
I count the years of patience you gave me As I sat inside these walls …

Where Are You, My Love?
Yesterday came and went And I didn’t even notice If you existed …

Yesterday You Called My Name And I Refused To Listen
Yesterday you called my name And I refused to listen It was as though your words…

My Friend Said To Me, “Can I Come In?”
Once I had a friend Once I had a friend And this friend came…

Let The White Light Of My Soul Shine Out In All Directions
A question from my soul-self Let love in You say And yet… Without specific guidelines …

Share Your Loving Light For Those Who Need Just That
It’s this way tonight In as much as We all want what’s best for ourselves …

Her Name Was Grace
Are we (In the centre of all this madness) Ready for a life of ease?…

There is a story here Its’ about fidgets. . . Those things you play with You know…

There is no greater gift than love
Listen carefully . . . For I am here for you today Once, When I was nine My father…

Tumbling Skyward
After witnessing the death of a friend I chose to become quite fearful Of the possibility…