

A man in his late forties is standing in his garage, bay doors open wide – sunlight flooding in to illuminate the concrete floor. His position is just this side of the light,  facing the doorway as he is, happily tinkering at a workbench, tools in hand. I understand that he is a spirit who is content to stay here, close to his earth journey and yet…. What is this movement that catches his eye? Come with me now, and hear his train of thought as he shares this beautiful story of moving forward into the light . . . . 



Eleven days after I passed
      And no one’s heard my news

                  There was a message left

(Dark horizon
      Orange setting sun)

                  I can tell you the whole of it

                          Let it be this way today


After I passed
      A girl came to the door

            She was looking for someone named Frank
                  And wondered if I’d seen him

She had her hair pinned to the side
      A pinafore dress
            A basket of cakes

Can you believe all this?

I said, No. I didn’t know a Frank,
      And would she mind leaving
            As I had work to do

      And so she did

But it made me wonder

Why would she ask me?

Don’t she know I was dead?

(Long horizon
      Suns up higher
                  Blue earth . . . )

This is the third time she’s come by today.

      She doesn’t speak to me now
            Just stares
                  But I know she still has the same question

“Where’s Frank?”

And I still don’t know the answer

If I were Frank
      I would have made sure she knew where I was
            She’s awfully cute
                  And has a peaceful air about her

      I’d a’ made sure she had the right address –not mine

            No frank lives here

I’d ‘ave left a number for her to call
      Hell, I never would ‘a left in the first place!

            He must have some nerve
                  To leave her wondering


I’m sorry
      You got the wrong address
            There ain’t no Frank ever lived here, no how.

You sure you have the right place?”

But I’m, dead, see
      And she can’t hear me.

Why is she talking to me then?

“Are you dead, too?”

That’s what I asking now. . . .

(Sunset says that we can walk together)

“I got nothing to do
      I’ll walk with you

                  We’ll walk together

Frank’s in the light there
      Up ahead

He must ‘a gone on ahead of you

Let’s do it
      Let’s walk into the light together

You’ll find ’m there

I’m sure of it


© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings

2 thoughts on “She Was Looking For Someone Named Frank”

  1. I accidentally started talking with Catherine one day on Fb.
    She gave me a message from a spirit she talked to. It was in a poem, everything that was said in the poem was 100% accurate.After reading it i knew Catherine was definitely genuine. That is very hard to come by. I really appreciated what she did for me that day. I have never forgotten. Also Catherine is a lovely lady who loves to help others all she can. Thank you Catherine.

    Love Kellee

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