

The spirit of a man came to share this heart warming story with a request that I reach out to his beloved Mother, to thank her for her kindness toward him throughout his childhood. My sense was that he often found himself in need of her forgiveness for incidents like the one recounted here.

He portrays his Mother as being a very stiff woman in the eyes of many, fastidious in her characterization of a life in impeccable order, where he knew himself to be so much less than perfection. And yet, with all of his anxiety and fears, his impulsivity, which lead to endless disasters,  in her behaviour toward him she was nothing less than love itself.

Clearly,  the troubles that plagued him as a child continued into his adulthood in such a way that his life was shortened by it. Sharing this story with me, is his way of asking me to reach out to find his Mother, in hopes that he would have one more opportunity to express his deep appreciation of who she was for him, always. If this story sounds familiar to you, would you share it for me? I don’t know who his Mother was, so I, in turn, am reaching out to the Universe through On Spirits’ Wings, to find her on his behalf.


I am about to tell you something of great importance

Would you like to listen?

You would need to have patience

     I can share if you’d like me to

Yes, spirit. I feel honoured to listen.

If you take the time to listen
     I will tell you…

Once there was a child

     Once there was a child of nine who set his house on fire

He didn’t mean to
     But that’s what happened

He watched in horror
     As the flames began to




     Over the stairwell
          Falling to the floor below

It wasn’t his intention
     But there you are

And once the blaze had started

     Once the blaze had started
          He wondered what he might do
               To stop the flow of fire
                    Through his beautiful house

The house where everything was perfectly placed
     With care

         And precision


And as he wondered
     In the shock of it all
          He became frozen in fear
               And couldn’t find a way
                    To move himself from it

And so the fire crept along the floor below him
     Sitting as he was
          On the landing there

The flames made their way
     Along the edge of the hallway carpet and…
          Fizzled out
               Leaving a black burned trail
                    That illuminated the fires pathway

He fainted then
     Fainted away with relief

     Fainted away as he always did
          When things so fearful as this
               Happened to him

And that’s where his Mother came across him
     Lying on the floor in his pajamas
          Matches in his hand
               Ribbon dangling through the railing

He’d only wanted to imagine a lantern
     A crown of light
          Illuminating the hallway

He thought he’d be able to blow it out
     But then it dripped ~



                    Down to the carpet below

No burned down house
     No death
          No destruction

Loving Mother
          Fear mounting
               Then subsiding

     All is well

                    All is well


         Can you hear me still?

I wanted to thank my Mother

     Her forgiveness was deeply felt



© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings

2 thoughts on “Fire Crept Along The Floor Below Him”

    1. This mans story filled my heart. What a beautiful women, his Mother, to make such a difference in his life, that he would reach out from beyond to connect to her! Mmmm.

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