

     Is there anyone listening?

         I have something to say

                     It’s like this

On an occasion such as this
          One thing being much like another
               And visions cross

     I can see you sitting there
          Just as you see me

And in the mingling,

     In the cross over

          In the crash that occurs
               We find ourselves living the same moment as one



         River Lochs

I’m standing here near the waters edge listening to the music of it

I’m standing here
     On the green grass edge
          Hands in pockets
               Eyes surveying
          Wondering at the purpose of life
               And coming up
                    With no good answers

Why did they let me out?

Out into freedom

     Out in the fresh clear, cool, clean air

Out into breath

     Into life

          Into nature

When in my brain
     I am locked up so tight I might never see the light of day

What is the sense of all this beauty
     If our internal life is such torture
          That we never have the chance to show appreciation?

I’m like the water in this loch

It looks as though my life is flowing through
     But truthfully
          I’m at a standstill
               And it’s life that’s passing me by

I’d like to find an escape route

     I’d like to find a way out

          I’d like to reach down to the bottom of the tank
               And pull the plug

I’d wait patiently, for all the water to drain away
     Then I’d stand up
          And walk out of there with my head held high

               There’s got to be a way out

     Watch out now

                    I’m jumping in to find it . . .


Being one who is blessed to bear witness to the spirits of those who are both alive and those who have passed over can leave me unclear at times of which side of the veil a spirit speaks to me from.  Pondering this, in reference to this story however, I decided that where this man is in his journey is less important than the idea he came to share. This spirit, in contemplating his choices in how to cope with a life he found overwhelming, announced a desire to wash himself of his burden by seeking a pathway of release through the water in a River Loch.

One might consider the water to be that of Divine energy. By imagining himself immersed in such, he saw a positive opportunity to find strength to walk again with head held high.

Did he take his own life? We don’t know, truly. And what if he did? Is it our place to pass judgement on one who might choose to step into the light beyond, by means of their own hand? Are we truly able to say definitively if this is the ‘right’ choice, or the ‘wrong’ choice? Or is it simply ‘the’ choice this spirit has made in the moment?

My choice in receiving this story is to consider myself deeply blessed to be called to bear witness to his choice of what he saw as a measure of self love. I don’t know what happened next for this spirit, but I will open my heart to him one way or the other and ask for blessings for him along the next step of his journey.


© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings

2 thoughts on “I’m Like The Water In This Loch”

  1. I relate to this in a way that’s hard to explain but I know how he feels and it’s awkward leaving confusion that seems impossible to resolve but if its possible to change I’m not sure the effort can be made due to lack of a lot of things needed for healthy living to take affect, not caring comes from fear of rejection and unknown that I don’t know if I can handle anymore of…which way to turn is always my question in the lost state of mind I catch myself in too many times…and I’m sick of it…I must make a change fast I feel I’m drowning a lot of times and I’m too old for this…..God help…give me strength needed to overcome the madness…..

    1. You are not mad. You are on the brink of awakening and somehow that can be a huge puzzle at times. Having lived it. I recognize what you describe as my past truth. Love of self is a huge key. Which way to turn, is often inward with the depths of love that says you forgive yourself for any act of ‘not knowing’. Then begin that slow process of acknowledging that you are, without a doubt, deeply loved. Allowing love in can be hard, hard work. One breath at a time, love.

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