
          Isn’t this the ultimate truth?
When we put the puzzle pieces together
     There is always one that appears,
No matter how we twist and turn it
     The colours,
          The shape,
               The configuration
          Does not seem to fit the place we have for it
               We don’t give up!
We’ll often come back to the same mismatch
     To try again…
          And again….
               And still
                    No match
Once we see the folly of our ways
     There are choices to be made

               Would you like a clue?

Yes, I would Spirit…
Once the discord has been played
     Step back and review your surroundings
     One cannot always see the details close up
          Often a more worldly view
               Is in order
Step back
     Take a breath
          Hold your arms open to the universe
               And ask,
          “What is the lesson
               You wish to impart?”
These are the words of love
     Coming to you
          From afar
Every experience we have
     Has meaning of a bigger nature
          Than we might otherwise see
               If our head is in our hands
                    Trying to find the right fit
If the piece doesn’t fit
     Don’t force it
     There is purpose beyond your knowing
          By trusting the feeling
               In your gut

                    You put…

Yes, Spirit?
     You in essence
          Place possibilities before you
               That could not be afforded otherwise
Discord is here for a reason…
     Play it loud
          And listen to its resonance
Feel its sour tone
     To the core of you
          And celebrate the clash
               As a sign that you are loved
     The choice is yours
We will support you
     No matter the course you take
          But consider this….
When the signs of disharmony surface
     And you ignore them
          You are in for a ride
               Which may leave you blinded
          We want the best for you, always
The choices you make are important
     They are your own
You can beat yourself for them

     When things don’t work out

Or you can step back

     And enjoy the truth that life isn’t over
          Just because the dream you had
               Didn’t pan out
Allow the adventurous spirit you were born with
     To step forward
          And take its due

     Experience makes you stronger

          Clichéd or not
               It’s the truth
For those times when the puzzle pieces

          Under the force of your eagerness

     Celebrate your determination
          To make things seem ‘right’
               When their appearance is clearly not
Misguided or not
     If your heart is in the right place
          More experience
               (Even joyful)
                    May ensue
          Rarely is experience entirely ‘bad’
When the pieces are all laid out
     And you find the one that fits?
     The angels that guide you
          Shed a tear
               For your courage to step out of the obvious
                    In order to travel the unknown
Don’t be afraid to ‘fail’
     (Secret is,
          Failure is a human concept…)
Let the pieces fall where they may
     And when you find a match?
          Celebrate in the moment
               Knowing not all lessons come easy
Let go of discord
     And dance in the glory
          Of that which resonates
               On a soul level
     We are all part of the scenery
          The tapestry
               Has a place for all
When you find yourself in tune with your choices
     Joy will resound
          The furrowed brow?
Accept this as love
     And pay attention to it
          Let yourself soar
               Amen to your curiosity
     Be in tune with your own dear heart
               Unimaginable joy awaits you



© Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings











2 thoughts on “If The Piece Doesn’t Fit Don’t Force It – Discord Is Here For A Reason”

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