

Today was a beautiful day of connecting with a lovely spirit who wished to help the one he loves understand he is never far. My sitter (his wife) mentioned she had been looking for signs but hadn’t seen any – which was difficult, of course.

How glorious then, that as part of his communication (evidence) he said,

“Seven is a very important number for us. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Over the course of the reading the following truths came about:

    • He was born on the 7th of the month and had:
    • 7 dogs over his life (He asked her to check and told her the answer would be 7. Lol)
    • 7 in their family, themselves and 5 children
    • 7 grandchildren
    • 6 brothers – making 7 all tolled
    • Plus, when I was shown a screen shot photo, I noticed it had been taken on the 7th of the month!

We decided ‘7’ is a key and when noticed in future can definitely be seen as a ‘hello’ from beyond. Love how these things work.

Thank you, Spirit, for your loving gestures and the comfort this will bring over time.

With love,
Catherine ~

© Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings

For Intuitive readings, Mediumship, Animal Spirit Guidance, and more,
contact me at onspiritswings@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “Signs From Our Loved Ones”

  1. Hi Linda,

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I love to hear how other people perceive spirits. Do you have a sense if this is an older or younger man? If you look with your eyes, they won’t be there, of course. The ‘something around the corner of your eye’ can certainly be a wink across the veil. Have you ever tried listening inward at these times to envision a spirit with your minds eye? I would love to hear more, so please share any time. I’m also curious how you feel about this spirit being in your garden. What emotions come up for you around this visitor?

    Thanks again,
    Catherine ~

  2. Several times when I’m working outside in my back yard. I’ve felt a presence. It’s male. Feels protective. It doesn’t feel like a family member. 2 days ago . I caught something around in corner of my eye. It was too fast for me to identify. I wanted to tell you that I have sensed spirits since childhood.

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