
In pet communication I like to give the animal a chance to describe themselves to me before receiving a picture. I ask for only a name then listen for details.

Let’s take dogs as an example.

Experience over many years suggests a series of dogs may appear to me in succession in order to help me identify the one who is actually reaching out to be in contact with its owner. On occasion I will simply see a pet with immediacy, as occurred later in this reading with Samantha the Samoyed. Usually there is a process of illumination.

Over time, I have learned NOT, under any circumstances, to attach to the particular breed portrayed. Instead, I must focus on characteristics of the breed that the visiting animal shows to me. If I had said to Emily, “I see a greyhound,” at the beginning of our discussion, she may well have said, ‘No’ and the conversation may have ground to a halt.

During communication a series of clues will be given.

    • the shade and pattern of the coat, (perhaps highlighting a light patch, or in this case, darker back and white belly)
    • length of legs,
    • position the dog wishes to be seen (a peculiar way of sitting perhaps), often identifiable later in a photograph as in the one above
    • details of the fur (short, or long coat) and
    • shape of ears
    • specifics about the tail, including how it is held (straight up, straight out with fur hanging down (in this case) or a tail that hangs down when the dog is standing.
    • thickness of the tail is often shared including whether the fur if the tail is long, short, puffy or here, a tail at the top with a coat that is fluffy and hangs down.
    • Thickness of the chest or body build,
    • Particulars of the dogs health
    • details of the collar or something further to identify the pet can sometimes help

Each breed that appears in the sequence draws my eyes toward elements particular to that breed. Once described, the owner can identify the pet.

The sequence of descriptions for Emily’s pet went like this:

    • the dogs coat is a darker hue on the back with a white chest. Yes
    • he shows himself with a blue ‘bib’ tied around his neck. Has he ever worn a blue kerchief by chance? Yes.
    • Attention is given to the dog’s tail. Is it clipped? No, but the tail does bend to one side.
    • Is the dog a slim, medium to large build? Yes.
    • Is the chest area larger than the back end, not overly but enough to notice? Yes.
    • The dog appears in robust good health, overall, is this true? Yes.
    • Is the dog in a living state? Yes.
    • With regards to its health, does the dog have troubles with itchiness between the toes of its back feet? Yes, the feet get irritated in the summer (!)
    • Issues with a hairline fracture to one femur are pointed out but not recognizable to Emily at this time. The dog is invited Emily to do some energy healing work in this area for the dog. Does she do this sort of thing? Yes.

The breed of dog in my vision changes yet again with an invitation to pay attention to this dog’s personality. I write,

    • At this time, I notice a breed of dog that would enjoy a job. The dog could be very focused, attentive and quietly intense in getting something done – waiting for a command and then taking the task seriously? Does this make sense? Yes. (Keep in mind, I don’t know he is a Border Collie at this point. I don’t even know his name!

Now that the dog is sure he has been identified he begins to communicate directly to Emily. Here’s how it went.

With the idea planted that this dog likes a challenge, a series of pictures come up leading me to something obscure. I see a fireplace in a living room that has a large hearth placed slightly off the ground. There is a space underneath the hearth that the dog cannot get to. The dog shows me a toy that he likes. The shape is oval, brown, fuzzy, non-descript at first. Next, the toy changes to a small toy that looks similar to a ‘Kong’. One you might put treats in for a dog. I wonder if the oval shaped brown thing might be a treat!

The Kong is emphasized. He says he has to work to get a treat out of it. Although Emily says he has a treat board, the dog says no, this is not what he is referring to. He tells me there is a favourite toy, however, at the moment the toy is out of sight, lost, or stuck behind this ‘fireplace’. He hasn’t seen it for a while. He wants to point out that he likes this particular toy. It is fun for him, but he can’t get under whatever the ‘fireplace’ represents, to get at it. He is too big; the space is too small for his big body, and the toy is out of reach.

Guess what! There is a large TV stand in the living room situated slightly off the ground making a pocket, of sorts, for lost toys. Emily looks for and finds a Kong-like toy of the dogs in this location and sends me a photograph. A broom handle is needed to retrieve the toys. Too funny!

The dog wants Emily to know he really appreciates that she recognizes and acknowledges, out loud, how intelligent he is.  Emily says she has ‘full on motivational conversations with him.” Wow! He can’t say enough how much he appreciates these talks. He says he may not always look directly at her when she is talking to him in this way but he is listening intently and glances at her out the side of his eyes when she talks. The fact she recognizes his intelligence means a great deal to him! I kid you not.

He wants me to tell Emily that he really likes a challenge, likes to be given a task or puzzles––ones that ask a great deal of his brain and intelligence. He shows me the treat puzzle tray she has given him. He really likes this.

Next the dog reiterates that he has a good brain and there are ways she could try challenging him that she hasn’t tried yet. He suggests he has a good nose (although I get the feeling that his sense of smell may not be as good as he thinks). He wants me to suggest, “You could try teaching him how to find things by their scent. He explains he would really enjoy this”.

When I ask if he has service dog training Emily says she has a plan to look into therapy dog training for him. The dog emphasizes he is very keen to learn and wants them to do a class together that will challenge him. I explain I briefly saw what I thought was a service dog vest on him, but it faded quickly almost as though it was either not yet his, or that it was a coat he wore a long time ago. Emily explains she bought him a coat last year. Perhaps this is what he is referring to.

The number seven comes up as important. I wondered if he is 7 years old because he told me he is in his prime (as in prime condition mentally and physically), but he is actually not quite 2 years old. Guess what? His birthday is in the seventh month, July. The blue ‘bib’ (kerchief) in the picture above was taken last July. It literally says, “It’s my birthday.’ Lol

One last idea that came to me was the idea of getting a large yoga ball for him to manipulate. I could imagine him in a back yard being trained to move the ball from one area to another. Emily says she has literally had this on her mind as well. Clearly the dog is bringing all the ideas together.

Emily eventually shares the dog’s name, “Mr. Pickles” and sends a few photographs. She was somewhat surprised that Mr. Pickles appeared and not the one she originally reached out to contact. I explain that in mediumship, if there is a spirit who is keen to be heard they may bump into the forefront. This kind of adds to the description of Mr. Pickles personality…

Other pets in Emily’s life made an appearance over the course of the reading. First was her father’s golden retriever, Casey, who wanted to wear a baseball cap. Her Mother-in-laws Samoyed Samantha, who showed herself in her place of spirit, looking on, as well as a possibly clue given to the sudden passing of the beloved cat Emily had originally reached out to contact, Tickvah.

All in all, a very fine exercise for myself, Emily and Mr. Pickles alike!

Thanks everyone,
Catherine ~

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