

Evidential Mediumship

How deeply blessed am I to be witness to children in spirit, who share their loving messages to those who ache at their passing? I have permission to share this story today.

Last week, March 22, an old high school friend contacted me to inquire about a reading. He had a little one in mind; the anniversary of her passing approaching soon.

No sooner did he state his intention, but a little girl in spirit appeared in my vision space. I didn’t say anything at first, but my oh my she overflowed with joy and enthusiasm and was, well––very insistent I mention the image of a red ball in her hand.

When I mentioned the ball the only connection my friend could make was that she played soccer. As the Little One insisted this ball is red, we chatted about other possibilities––An apple? A balloon? I suggested my friend simply keep the idea in mind.

Later, as she stepped once again into my vision the intensity with which she  shared the image of the red ball increased. Standing directly in front of me, the little one held out her arm as close as she could to my face. She looked deeply and intently into my eyes as though she was focusing every ounce of energy she had to make sure I would, “SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THIS RED BALL. TELL HIM ABOUT THIS BALL!”

Several days later my friend and I were chatting. He wanted to make time to tell me about the memorial which was planned a few days from now. I suggest if he intends to have a reading, he should perhaps not tell me anything about the service. I explained, anything he may share could make it more difficult for the spirit to find evidence he hasn’t already told me about…

Meanwhile, Little One, who is still dancing around in my vision space, insists I mention the red ball again. She draws my attention forward to show a golden edge. She is standing behind the ball, now, the ball resting a few feet in front of her in the foreground. She is looking away in the distance. I tell my friend, “She is still showing me the red ball… It has a golden edge….” Nothing resonates.

Today, March 28th, a full week later and day following the family celebration of her life, my friend contacts me to tell me about the memorial. “Did you see they had written her name in the sand?” he asked, sharing a photo. Oh my goodness, how beautiful! I imagine her is spirit so easily able to see her name – a glorious and loving ‘Hello’ across the veil.

Meanwhile, Little One is standing here, still showing me the ball.

My head is getting in the way now as I try to puzzle out the meaning she wishes to convey. Again, I see the golden edge. I consider the ball––I’m wondering, “Is it is a soccer medal with a golden ribbon attached?” Little One is still frolicking around in front of me, so I mention it again.

That’s when my friend sent the photo above. This photo was taken the day of her memorial. The family had gathered at the beach, a favourite place for all, and brought a few things to commemorate their love for her. Can you see the golden tint at the edge? Do you understand why she is so excited about this sharing? Of course, the image had no meaning for my friend–– the moment hadn’t happened yet!

I suspect Little One knew of her Mom’s intention to bring the ball in memorial, as part of yesterday’s celebration. Perhaps her staring off in the distance was a way to say, “You will see this ball in the future?!” There is even a possibility that Little One put the idea in her Mom’s mind, with the intention of sharing through me, through my friend, this tremendous incite

“There is life after life, and I’m alive in it!”

Thank you, Little Spirit. I know you have much more to share. My friend and I will get together soon, to give you the opportunity now we are absolutely, without a doubt, 100% positive, this is you coming through.

Hope Little One’s story brings joy to you this morning,

With love,
Catherine ~

© Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved Catherine ~ On Spirits’ Wings

For Intuitive readings, Mediumship, Angel Guidance and more,
contact me at onspiritswings@gmail.com

5 thoughts on “Jaedyn’s Red Ball – Evidential Mediumship”

  1. So beautifully shared. I’m having unfamiliar sensations from this, it’s hard to describe the “deep impact (pure truth?)/warm fuzzy feeling (pure love?)” I’m feeling after reading the words “there’s life after life”. 💕
    I’m going to call it healing love, and now I know why our friend was so excited to share this with me. 💖

    1. When you experience a shift in your energy to a higher vibration it is most difficult to articulate how it feels, but you sure know you are there when you get there! What an amazing little spirit to bring you with her, Shari!! She has more to say. Can’t wait to share it.

  2. When Jaedyn died, her dad got wrist bands made for her family and friends. They were purple and “Forever Jaedyn ” was inscribed on the wrist band. Her spirit will never leave us. She is FOREVER JAEDYN.

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