

This beautiful face appeared to begin an Intuitive Reading this week. Muskox spirit medicine speaks of someone who is strong, courageous, resilient, creative, persistent, inspired, observant, playful, protective, grounded, ready to face any challenge.

My sitter (client) said,

“I have always admired the musk ox. The harsh environment they live in and the amazing circle they make back-to-back-to-back when they are threatened… so huge and graceful. Love them.”

Thank you, Spirit, for revealing the spirit animal who so aptly reflects your vision of who this woman is. What a joy to be a conduit of the extraordinary message of love, support, encouragement and admiration that followed Muskox, from the heart of Spirit, to this lovely woman.

Feeling blessed,
Catherine ~


Muskox Spirit Medicine


Chris Schmidt Frozen Warriors Wildlife Photography


Endurance, strength, survival. A musk ox totem can give us the inspiration to find life and hope in the hardest, darkest of times. To find an inner light and hold onto it despite anything that might be thrown at us. Musk ox medicine helps us to develop a strong defense against peer pressure, judgment, negativity, and adversity. Musk ox people tend to introspective, quiet, and observant but can also be playful and belligerent; they are easily overlooked or misjudged.

Animal Spirit Guide – Musk Ox


When Musk Ox appear:  It is a sign that the emotional climate you have been enduring will begin to lighten.  You are experiencing a strength that comes from many years of endurance.  Meet any challenges head-on with courage and persistence.

Call on Musk Ox when: You are in an environment that is physically challenging.  If you require the ability to withstand coldness from others.  There is a need for guidance in staying detached from emotional drama of others.

If Musk Ox is your Power Animal: You find strength in numbers and enjoy being surrounded by friends and family.  You maintain a primal connection with the ancient earth.  You are very protective of family and ideals and never back down from a challenge.


I see challenges as opportunities for growth.

I joyfully handle any situation that presents itself as I move forward in my life path.

My courage is always with me.


I wondered if this channeled message about Muskox, which I found online, may also have some elements which resonate with you, regarding challenging times and relationship. Please only take what feels right for you, as an element of your journey that Spirit has pointed me toward on your behalf.





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