A Love-note from your angels Photo by Nico Frey on Unsplash Is there a way we, your angels, could be…

Reaching for a Deeper Connection
Continuity is important when reaching for a deeper connection to all that is. Should you find yourself drifting from your…

A Love Note from Spirit ~ Silence A loving heart is one most willing to suffer in silence sometimes.…

On Complex Relationships
A Love Note from Spirit ~ On Complex Relationships Understanding complicated relationships is something many people choose not to take…

You Are Courage
A Love Note from Spirit Until we understand the truth That courage is inherent in who we are, Doubt may…

Let Hope Live!
A Love Note from Spirit! Between the intention of Love and the actions needed to fulfill it is an…

What You Hope For Is What We Hope for You
Be kind to yourself as you step forward into your day. We here in Spirit are rooting for you. We…

Be the One to Make a Difference
A Love Note From Spirit Can you listen to the voice of all those around you who are in need?…

We’re With You
A Love Note from Spirit ~ We’re With You Astonishing as it may seem, we in the spirit…

Myth of Aloneness
Until we understand the truth that we are all One, there will be moments when the opposite feels true. How…

Place the Keys in the Bowl!
If you were to take all the struggles you are currently enduring And refer to them as ‘keys’ to the…

Weaving The Mundane Into Psychedelic Patterns Of Colour And Light
We often move about our day Flitting from one activity to the next …

Allow in That which you desire most Without your express permission …

Unexpected is a Hallmark For Enlightened
Come to me Let me be the one you hear today… Along…

The Other Side of the Fence
Witness this If you will… Until the garden gate latch Rusts…

Receive The Gift Inherent In The Reality You Now Live
Now is the time to listen To the greatness Of all that is……

Between the Milkweeds and the Bright Summer Stars
Attend to me this evening The world is opening to brighter…

Allow In That Which You Desire Most
Allow in That which you desire most Without your express permission …

Be At One With Peace
I’d like to talk about the idea of Peace It’s this way…

Count The Days Between Now and Eterity
Listen in This’ll be quick. . .…