When the question of how to lay a loved one to rest came into play during a recent session…

Why don’t I see Signs?
When my father passed, years ago, I kind of lost the plot. My grief was deep and long lasting. I…

Using Symbols in Mediumship
As you develop your relationship with the spirit world, guidance from beyond will support you to identify ideas,…

“As a Medium, How Can I Encourage a Spirit to Speak Louder?”
The idea of hearing spirits ‘speaking softly’ is an intriguing one and super exciting to contemplate. The possible reasons are…

Learning To Set Boundaries in Sharing Mediumship
The message below is an example of the depth of communication possible when a solid connection with the spirit…

Language Is No Barrier to Communication in Spirit
A spirit speaking from the heart, has no problem breaching the language barrier. How extraordinary that a spirit who does…

Why Does a Spirit Hang Around?
Someone recently asked why I thought a spirit might hang around on the earthly plane. I believe this to be a…

Ask Spirit Evidence
Over the past twelve years I have been sharing channeled messages with others from Spirit. I call this…

I love doing Ask Spirit messages for people I have never met or seen from across the world. Today I…

The Other Side of the Fence
Witness this If you will… Until the garden gate latch Rusts…

How Do We Work in Mediumship with ‘negative’ energy?
How can I stop this overwhelming feeling of anxiety, around negative energy? I was recently at a mindful meditation…

Medical Intuitive and Pet Mediumship with Betty and Baby Cakes
Tuesday afternoon My friend Kasey has asked if I might listen in for her friend Betty, whose precious…

Comparing Myself to TV Mediums
Comparing Myself to TV Mediums The other day a client asked, “What is it like to communicate with the beyond?”…

On The Topic of ‘Dark Energy’
How disappointing to hear that an irresponsible and negative thinking intuitive-type left the staff at a local business with the…

Redefining Astral Travel
Redefining Astral Travel (Current) Definition of astral projection (Merriam-Webster) : the ability of a person’s spirit to travel to distant places…

What Does “Let Love In,” Really Mean?
Open your heart Let the wisdom of the Universe unfold in all that you do It’s the…

Holding Hands In The Name Of Love
Spirit…. These senseless acts that happen in our world. How can we find reason? How can we be content to…

“Spirit? My Mom is having a tough time….
“Spirit? My Mom is having a tough time right now. Can you help me understand what is happening for her?”…

How Do I Prepare For My Future?
There are times when those of us on this earth journey face health challenges that go beyond what seems…

Approach This Experience With Cautious Respect
On occasion Spirit will ask me to work with the ‘spirit’ of the living. I am guided, very specifically, to…